健康主題特殊病症配方壓力配方-Country Life, 壓力盾,三重功效,60素食膠囊
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- Established 1971
- Certified Gluten-Free
- Dietary Supplement
Ingredients are shown to:髮旺旺
- Support emotional well-being
- Support energy levels
- Reduce fatigue
— Our Pledge of Integrity —
Stress Shield
Stress is a daily reality for many and contributes to a decrease in energy, increase in fatigue, difficulty in sleeping, a lack of focus, emotional distress and much more.
While there is no way to prevent daily stress, there are ways to better equip our bodies to handle what stress causes such as following a balanced diet, incorporating exercise, and carving time to relax each day. These behaviors may offer some relief , but for those that seek more, Country Life can help you be even more prepared.
Introducing Stress Shield...a dietary supplement containing clinically studied ingredients to
Stress Shield's key focus is to provide a means to give balance in an otherwise stress-filled day.髮旺旺
Take Stress Shield in the day, and Stress Shield Nighttime (melatonin-free) in the evening to build your defenses to combat the stresses of daily living.
At Country Life, integrity is our #1 ingredient. Every product is rigorously tested to insure it measures up against Country Life's 5 Integrity Standards.
- authenticity of ingredients;
- cleanliness of ingredients;
- freshness of ingredients;
- consistency of the formula; and
- accuracy of labeling
What is Stress Shield?
The ingredients in this product help relax the body and thus deal with everyday stress. The key ingredients are Sensoril and vitamin B-5 (pantethine/pantothenic acid).
Sensoril, a patented form of Ashwagandha a.k.a. Indian Ginseng, helps to reduce fatigue, support energy levels, and support emotional well-being. Ashwagandha has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. At only 125 mg daily, Sensoril was shown to effectively equip the body to deal with stress, irritability, fatigue, and lack of concentration.
Vitamin B-5 (pantethine/pantothenic acid) is a key B-Vitamin that plays a role in your body's response to stress. The B vitamins used in this formula are metabolically active to provide needed nutritional support to aid in the production of energy.
To round out the ingredients, passion flower extract, wild jujube extract, 5-HTP and ginger have been added to this product.
Stress Shield helps to bolster and balance the body's ability to deal with stress.
Country Life, 壓力盾,三重功效,60素食膠囊髮旺旺
